Our offerings are designed to guide you through every stage of transformation, from ideation to implementation and scaling. We offer a variety of formats, including workshops, roadmaps, webinars, networking events, and coaching to ensure you're on the right track.
You have the opportunity to participate in individual formats and thus further your education on a selective basis or to take part in medium to long-term formats to work together on the digital transformation of your company.
Our experts look forward to accompanying you on your digitalization journey and developing solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
So, what are you waiting for? Join the digital revolution and let us show you how easy it can be to take the first step towards the future! Contact us today and let’s master the Digital Transformation together.
Consultation hours
The workshop offers an intensive introduction to the agile method “Design Thinking”. The aim of the workshop is to give participants a better understanding of the method and to enable them to apply it in practice.
In this workshop, participants will learn about prototyping and its importance for product development. They will also have the opportunity to get to know different prototyping methods, such as paper prototyping, digital prototyping and rapid prototyping with machines such as laser cutters.
Company representatives are instructed to evaluate their business model using a morphological classification. Based on the customer groups and value propositions, a target is developed in the same morphology. The difference in the individual categories between the actual and target state is made explicit and backed up with concrete requirements for the business processes and their technical support, and hypotheses are derived to test customer acceptance of the possible new payment model.
The workshops enable companies to scrutinize their products, processes and business models and generate new ideas. Various innovation methods are used to ensure a structured approach.
In this workshop, participants are given the opportunity to develop new ideas and identify opportunities for their company. Methods such as the Business Model Canvas or the Digital Canvas are used.
Workshops & Trainings
In this format, you will be supported by research experts in validating your idea(s) on the basis of scientific findings.
Ideencheck & Coaching
Take part in our prototyping projects and receive support from our experts for several months in the development and implementation of your ideas. The following prototypes can be developed, for example.
Roadmaps, Prototypen &Testzentren
The offer makes it possible for companies to have students work on their entrepreneurial problems and for students to get to know potential employers in the region. At the same time, young people are given the opportunity to develop their careers and make contact with companies.
Participation in a Makerthon offers SMEs the opportunity to present themselves as a future-oriented employer in the search for skilled workers and students. Based on company-specific questions and problems, students or pupils are encouraged to develop ideas and prototypes creatively and technically and thus participate in the company's innovation process.
The Smart Talent Workshop aims to provide SMEs with concrete options for action and successfully align their search for qualified employees with their target group. Following an analysis of all online communication tools used, a digital toolbox for attractive employer branding is developed in order to increase attractiveness and visibility for potential applicants.